If it doesn't need to change then you should be able to set it in PerlPostConfigRequire code, and it will then be available to all children in copy on write memory (ie any change will only affect the process that changed it.)



On 17-10-19 12:11 PM, Ben RUBSON wrote:

I'm trying to share a var between the different processes of my prefork Apache.

I then tried the following idea :
Unfortunately, $r->server()->dir_config('var') is not shared among the processes. I would have thought config was stored at the very first Apache process (the parent) level.

Other solution is IPC::Shareable (one more module to load :-/)

Any other solution ?
I would have been happy with an Apache-only way to do this (like I tried above).

I need the var to be set only one time to a constant random value, then to be read by the different processes. I then also thought about an environment variable set when Apache starts, and then given to Perl using "PerlSetVar var ${VAR}". But 1. var value would be disclosed into Apache env which I want to avoid, 2. PerlSetVar at every request is perhaps not really perfect in terms of performance.

Thank you very much for your help !


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