When the roll call was done a month ago it's basically myself and Steve, with Steve really being the only one that has much knowledge of the guts of the project. Up until the last few months gozer (Phillippe Chaisson) was at least around enough to file reports, but has been MIA a few months. Some of the remainder of PMC list from the website are likely still at least subbed to lists, but are for all intents and purposes completely MIA or possibly formally retired from the project.


On 3/17/2021 6:52 PM, dc...@prosentient.com.au wrote:

I am not interested in performing those duties but could you clarify how many active PMC members there are currently? It looks like the list at https://perl.apache.org/about/pmc.html <https://perl.apache.org/about/pmc.html> is over 7 years out of date. It’s unclear how up-to-date the list at https://projects.apache.org/committee.html?perl <https://projects.apache.org/committee.html?perl> is as well.

David Cook

Software Engineer

Prosentient Systems

Suite 7.03

6a Glen St

Milsons Point NSW 2061


Office: 02 9212 0899

Online: 02 8005 0595

*From:*Sander Striker <stri...@apache.org>
*Sent:* Thursday, 18 March 2021 6:41 AM
*To:* d...@perl.apache.org; modperl@perl.apache.org
*Subject:* [DISCUSS] The future of mod_perl

Dear community members,

As projects mature, they will naturally reach a point where activity reduces to a level such that the project is no longer sustainable.  At Apache, projects reach this stage when there are not at least 3 active PMC members providing oversight. Projects that reach this stage are usually placed in the Attic [1] or absorbed by another Apache project willing to manage its releases.

If you are interested in seeing mod_perl remain an active project, and are able to help maintain and provide oversight, please respond in this thread indicating that you are interested in performing the duties of a PMC member[2].


Sander Striker
Director, The Apache Software Foundation

[1] https://attic.apache.org/ <https://attic.apache.org/>

[2] https://www.apache.org/dev/pmc.html <https://www.apache.org/dev/pmc.html>

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