On 3/18/2021 10:41 AM, Ruben Safir wrote:
On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 10:37:02AM -0400, Jim Albert wrote:
When mod_perl does come to an end what would an End of Life look like?

maybe we can focus on keeping it maintained... really.

A secure well written project like modperl doesn't need new features and
people destroying its API.  It works, and that is good.

There is no reason for it to have an end of lifecycle.  It works forever

I'm told mod_perl is an Apache Software Foundation project. Do
Apache Software Foundation projects have a structured life cycle or
do some just suddenly disappear with no warning given various
situations that result in the need for EOL?


That would be wonderful, of course. The reality of the mod_perl project, to my understanding, is that it is made up of volunteers (and a very sincere thank you to those that have and do volunteer their skills). Also to my understanding is that the mod_perl project has no industry backing financial, technical or otherwise, but please correct me if I am wrong. If those volunteers go away and aren't replaced, I have to think the project goes away perhaps with temporary assistance of the overall Apache Software Foundation. I have no idea how ASF project lifecycles are maintained.

Most software projects have a lifecycle so I'm asking if Apache Software Foundation projects, including mod_perl, have a structured lifecycle . If you are using a certain software be it operating system or otherwise, don't you want to know the EOL up front (in the case of most operating systems) or have an understanding that when EOL happens for various software packages, you'll receive adequate warning?  Anyone relying on mod_perl would or at least should want to understand that. I would hope it's not a case of well... it's there to use until it breaks.


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