On Mon, Mar 01, 1999, Harry Zink wrote:

> I installed the apapche 1.3.4+mod_SSL rpm that is floating around on 
> Ralph's site - it works wonderfuly by itself, but it appears that no 
> other redhat modules can be installed on top of that installation. This 
> appears to be due to apache+mod_ssl is using some EAPI, which is not 
> compatible with the standard apache API - or something to that effect.

When it's a reasonable new EAPI it should work with any modules which work
correctly with the standard API. Because since some weeks EAPI is able to work
with standard modules, too.

> Long story short - it doesn't work.
> I'm thinking of running two server processes - one standard apache with 
> all the trimmings, and one just running apache-mod_ssl. The problem, of 
> course, being that secure pages won't be able to include mod_perl, or 
> PHP3 scripts.
> I'm hoping that this issue will be addressed soon, seeing as how mod_perl 
> is kinda very important if you're running perl on your site.

I recommend you to compile your own Apache+mod_ssl+mod_perl+whatever from the
source instead of using precompiled RPMs. As the website indicates, the RPMs
are _contributed_ stuff I cannot not officially support (because I cannot test
it myself and binaries always cause too much problems).

At least when you compile from source you should be able to use mod_perl,
mod_php and whatever else with Apache+mod_ssl without problems.

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)   www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
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