> 2-Mar-99 10:28 you wrote:
> > A note about php.  If you choose to integrate database access for example to
> > mysql in the php install, then mysqld must be running for apache to start.
> > This is not very nice and means you must insure that upon a restart or cold
> > start that the database daemon is up before apache starts.
> Huh ? I have mysql and postgresql access compiled in PHP and in my initscripts
> mysqld starts AFTER httpd and postgresql is not installed at all on this server.
> All works just fine.
I'd like to find out what is different in your build from mine.  When I 
fetched the port from FreeBSD.org, the very first time make is run, some 
script prompted me for which databases I'd like use.  I chose mysql and 
continued building.  Subsequent invocations of make did not invoke that 
initial script.

When I built and installed apache with php,ssl,frontpage the mysqld was 
already running.  The resulting build worked.  However when I rebooted, the 
apache error log contained messages indicating that php was not able to 
connect to mysqld and apache failed to start.  I changed the sequence of 
starting mysqld and apache and everthing came up nicely.  I kill mysqld and 
tried again, yielding the original failure.  I concluded that there was a 
dependency and left it at that.  I did not pursue it further.

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