On Thu, Mar 25, 1999, Magnus Stenman wrote:

> >       http://en4.engelschall.com/
> >      https://en4.engelschall.com/
> Dang. NS 4.08 Linux and NS 4.5 Mac work fine on all tests...
> Unfortunately I cannot give you access to my box, because it's on
> a non-public net..
> But I can enable "debug" level in the logs..

Ahh... fine. I was already made-insecure and though I become totally crazy.
So we can now conclude that at least for your situation it's seems a local
platform problem. At least it seems it's not a general mod_ssl protocol
problem. I've expected this, because I already went over the protocol stuff
more than once and finally were convinced that in 2.2.5 and 2.2.6 it's now
finally correct.

Hmmm.. but nevertheless you've still the nasty problems on your platform and
the question remains: What cause it. Using the debugging loglevel can give
some hints, yes. It's not exactly the software versions I used, right?  I
think the problem is inside OpenSSL, because in Apache the protocol stuff
wasn't changed for a long time. Have you already tried a _fresh_ (built from
scratch!) Apache/1.3.6+mod_ssl/2.2.6+OpenSSL/0.9.2b (sorry when I ask again,
but too much people already described their situation the last days and I
already intermix them)?
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)  www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
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