Linux 2.2.3 (based on RH 4.2)
Netscape Communicator 4.06 (export version)

Everything worked fine.

Later tonight I'll try with MSIE under windoze.

I'm having reports of people using MSIE having connection problems.

httpsd: [Thu Mar 25 15:50:17 1999] [error] mod_ssl: SSL handshake interrupted by
 system (System error follows)
httpsd: [Thu Mar 25 15:50:17 1999] [error] System: Connection reset by peer (err
no: 104)

I'm going to try to reproduce this tonight.


Philip Gwyn              
(450) 674-9066                          Internet ARTware inc
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                              Programmeur
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
Official Support Mailing List               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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