I'll apologize now if this is off-topic, but I looked over the mail 
lists at MARC & didn't see another list that matched well. If I'm 
barking up the wrong tree please point me to the correct one. Anyway, 
here goes:

I've set up a webserver w/ 2 name-based virtual hosts: 
 1) an http server (http://name1.mydom.com/), and
 2) an https server (https://namessl.mydom.com/). 
I've declared the document root directories as shown in my config file
snippets below. 

Both servers serve the files I expect them to (the files from their own
doc root). But what I don't understand is why the servers behave as they
do when the VirtualHost and ServerName are "mis-matched"; i.e.: 

1) why does the secure server serve docs from the regular server's doc
root? In other words:

https://name1.mydom.com/  ---> index.html file from namessl's doc root

2) Why does the http server serve docs from its own doc root even when
used with the https server's name?

http://namessl.mydom.com/ ---> index.html file from name1's doc root

I had expected an error message for these mis-matches between 
VirtualHost and ServerName. Clearly I'm either confused about how 
Apache is _supposed_ to operate, OR I've bonked the config file. I'd 
appreciate it if someone could straighten me out.

-----------  config file snippets follow: ---------------------

For the http server:

 DocumentRoot /home/webfoot/public_html
 ServerName name1.mydom.com
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/home/webfoot/cgi-bin/"
 <Directory "/home/webfoot/cgi-bin">

For the https server:

 DocumentRoot /home/webfoot/secure_html
 ServerName namessl.mydom.com
 ScriptAlias /cgi-ssl/ "/home/webfoot/cgi-ssl/"
 <Directory "/home/webfoot/cgi-ssl">


James Moore
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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