Are Hoel wrote:
> It's not a joke, it's a fact. 

I know, I know - my tongue was in my cheek :)

> And in my opinion it's MUCH better to use a
> small encrypted partition so store a startupcript with passphrases then to
> just have the script lying around on the server. If you have a better
> solution I'd like to see it.

My solution: Forget about the pass-phrase since it is a waste of time.
Put the energy into protecting your server in the first place. As John
points out, the file you are protecting with the pass-phrase is owned by
root and has permissions 400. If someone can lift that file, you've got
real problems...

> You will have to enter the console to enter the passphrase. You can't have
> automated security, then there is no security.

Exactly. But if we remember the original poster wanted to automate the
start-up of his server... I think the answer to his question is "you
can't - unless you are only playing pretend security".


Owen Boyle.

P.S. I always like to bring this topic up whenever the list is getting
quiet - it warms things up on a cold winter's day (brrr...)
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