On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, R. DuFresne wrote:

> I've found this, do I point at the openssl dir I have the all the sub dirs
> and bins installed in, or to the source tree they were compiled from?

The install dir's prefix.  So, for example, if your OpenSSL is in /usr/lib
and /usr/include/openssl, then you'd use --with-ssl=/usr

PS: warning, danger Will Robinson:  I heard a rumor that if you link to a
static OpenSSL (ie, libssl.a and libcrypto.a) instead of a shared one
(libssl.so and libcrypto.so) and you use mod_ssl as a DSO, then it breaks.
If you get errors along the lines of unresolved symbols such as
X509_INFO_free, this is probably what's going on.  Watch out for that!


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