Oops, I made a big mistake!

I'd suggest that you disable *anonymous* access as well, once it all works.

This does mean that users would have to enter their username and password
twice, but does keep out worms like "Code Red". After all, your exchange
server isn't a public site.

On Exchange 5.5/IIS4 we've disabled both Challenge/Response (as this
prevents Netscape or Mozilla getting into your mailbox) and *anonymous*
access. We do get a niggly message "your password will expire in 0 days",
but we just ignore it.

If you followed my last message, you'd never get in. Doh!

John Airey, BSc (Jt Hons), CNA, RHCE
Internet systems support officer, ITCSD, Royal National Institute of the
Bakewell Road, Peterborough PE2 6XU,
Tel.: +44 (0) 1733 375299 Fax: +44 (0) 1733 370848 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

If we could learn one thing from September 11th 2001, it would be the utter
absurdity of moral relativism.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Marshall [mailto:dmarshall@;esilicon.com]
> Sent: 07 November 2002 14:58
> Subject: RE: Is anyone successfully running OWA2K behind 
> Apache/mod_ssl?
> Jason,
> I had this running on RedHat 7.2. Apache 1.3.22/Mod_SSL
> Here are the steps...
> 1. Obtain Apache Mod mod_proxy_add_forward.c
>    Modify the code to set the header "font-end-https: on".
>    add the following
>    /* turn on front-end-https header, so OWA will put HTTPS 
> into urls */ 
>    ap_table_set(r->headers_in, "front-end-https","on");
>    Compile and install mod_proxy_add_forward.c. 
>    I used command "apxs -i -c mod_proxy_add_forward.c" 
> 2. Add a line to your httpd.conf file: 
>    "LoadModule proxy_add_forward_module 
> /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_proxy_add_forward.so" 
>     replacing /usr/lib/apache/1.3 with the path that apxs 
> installs the module.
> 3. Add the following directives to the virtual host section 
> of your apache
>    configuration files, replacing FQDN with the fully 
> qualified domain name you
>    want to use, NOT the address of the exchange server:
>     ProxyPass /exchange/ http://FQDN/exchange/
>     ProxyPass /public/ http://FQDN/public/
>     ProxyPass /exchweb/ http://FQDN/exchweb/
> 4. Make sure that external dns resolves the FQDN to the 
> Apache proxy server
> 5. Modify your /etc/hosts on the Apache proxy server
>    Add the FQDN to resolve to the ip address of the OWA server 
> 6. On the Server where OWA is installed, Turn off Windows 
> Integrated Authentication
>    run Internet Services Manager 
>    ( "Programs"->"Administrative Tools"->"Internet Services Manager" )
>    Expand to your OWA website and Right-click the OWA site and select 
>    "Properties", on the resulting Dialog, select the 
> "Directory Security" 
>    Tab, Then Edit the "Anonymous access and authentication control", 
>    remove "Windows Integrated Authentication" and turn on 
> "Basic Authentication"
>    note: you must repeat this step every time you restart IIS 
> or reboot this machine.
> I must tell that although the solution "worked", we did not 
> put this solution into production. 
> The biggest drawbacks to this solution were.
> a. Every time you reboot/restart IIS on the System where OWA 
> is installed, 
>    your security settings will be reset adding "Windows 
> Integrated Authentication" 
>    back to the virtual directories. 
>    We have found no way to resolve this.
> b. We had to add a virtual host for every OWA site on Apache 
> that we needed to host.
>    In my environment we have 3 exchange servers and 2 routing groups. 
>    This meant that as we changed our Exchange Topology, that 
> we would have
>    to re-work the Apache front-end proxy.
> c. Users cannot use the password change option.
> After reading the Microsoft Exchange Front-End/Backend 
> documents 
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/release.asp?releaseid=43997 , We decided
to evaluate running a Front-End OWA server under SSL with HTTP disabled on a
separate system from the other Exchange Servers. In the final analysis, we
decided that this was the right answer for us.

David Marshall

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Haar [mailto:Jason.Haar@;trimble.co.nz]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 12:04 AM
Subject: Is anyone successfully runnin OWA2K behind Apache/mod_ssl?

We're using Apache/mod_ssl to provide a reverse-proxy to some backend Web
servers, and want to add OWA2K to the list (that's Outlook Web Access for
Microsoft Exchange 2000).

It works fine with OWA from Exchange 5.5 - which was basically just HTML
plus some javascript - but OWA2K (under IE5+) uses all sorts of whizzy M$
stuff, and doesn't work!

If you access OWA2K with a non-IE browser (e.g. Mozilla), OWA2K reverts to
the older format and works fine - it just doesn't work well from IE (ironic
isn't it :-)

It's pretty flakey. IE5.0 works pretty well, IE5.5 works 20% of the time and
IE6 just dies. It goes without saying that all these browsers work fine when
talking directly to the OWA2K server: it's only via the RP that they fail.

I've done packet sniffs and compares and can't see anything out of the
ordinary. I think it's an OWA issue, or an IE security-context issue, but
can't say for sure.

Anyone else got any stories about this?



Jason Haar
Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd.
Phone: +64 3 9635 377 Fax: +64 3 9635 417
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