In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:

|> 1. Obtain Apache Mod mod_proxy_add_forward.c
|>    Modify the code to set the header "font-end-https: on".
|>    add the following
|>    /* turn on front-end-https header, so OWA will put HTTPS into urls */ 
|>    ap_table_set(r->headers_in, "front-end-https","on");

Or modify modules/proxy/proxy_http.c. With apache-1.3.27/mod_ssl-2.8.12,
the relevant code section is at line 400 +/-. This is simpler, and will
avoid the problems with module order described in mod_proxy_add_forward.c

In addition, I would add a new config directive, say "FrontEndHTTPS"
of type "flag" to be able to control this on a per-vhost basis.

Maybe I'll give it a try next weekend.

(Anybody care to submit this as a feature request for future mod_ssl?)

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
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