On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Elaine -HFB- Ashton wrote:

> Does the application have a name?

We're just calling it the Mason Tracker.

> You could call it HTML::Mason::Tracker or something along those lines if
> it's part of Mason. Or you could do it like the Mon dist and use the name
> of the application for the namespace http://search.cpan.org/search?dist=Mon
> or you could pick a namespace that exists already that it might fit into
> and go from there.

Its definitely not part of Mason.  Simply an app that uses Mason.

Last time I proposed a namespace that was simply the name of my app
(Alzabo::) one of the people on the modules list objected.

> http://www.cpan.org/modules/00modlist.long.html#ID5_NamespaceCo
> is a good reference and browsing the list of catgories and namespaces my
> be helpful.

I'm familiar with the guidelines.  If there's no objections I think we're
going to use Apps::Tracker.  That way other apps can share that top level
namespace (Apps::*) and not worry about stepping on other modules.

We could, alternatively, use Tracker.  I like that cause its less typing.


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