On Sunday 03 August 2003 17:45, Andy Lester wrote:
> There's a distro on CPAN now called lcwa that I would love to see
> disappear.  It's from 1997 and it's one of those distros that
> included all its necessary parts rather than rely on depencies.
> Unfortunately, those parts are 6 years out of date, but come up in
> searches on the modules.
> Do a search on search.cpan.org for "HTTP::Response", a pretty common
> module.  The first hit that comes up is the one from lcwa, and if
> you're not paying attention to the distro name (or you're a relative
> newbie who doesn't realize he needs to), you're going to be looking
> at 6-year-old docs for the module.

Try Test::More, it's true home is Test::Simple but that's 5th on the list.

Can I suggest a change to the sorting algorithm for search.cpan.org when 
searching for a module or for docs

@sorted_distros = sort {
        $a->oldest_version->release_date <=>
} all_distros_containing("Module::Name");

Because chances are that if Distro::A includes a piece of Distro::B then 
Distro::B probably predates Distro::A. Of course that's not necessarily true, 
it's quite possible but that should be comparitively rare.

I think it doesn't fully solve the problem for Test::More but it might for 
some others


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