* Andrew C. Flerchinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-11-21 19:34]:
> At 03:17 PM 11/21/2003 +0100, you wrote:
> >* Enrico Sorcinelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-11-21 13:16]:
> >> How about Text::Highlight::* for your module?
> >
> >I was just going to suggest the same. Including for your Log
> >module - although maybe there already being a well populated
> >Log:: TLNS makes it a weaker argument in your case.
> >
> >I also think the output format should be mentioned; HTML is not
> >the only option - VT100 escapes (Term::ANSIColor) could be
> >another.
> >
> >So we'd end up with something like Text::Highlight::Perl::HTML.
> >Or if it's a generic highlighter, it needs a somewhat bulkier
> >name like Text::Highlight::AsHTML (Text::Highlight::HTML would be
> >misleading).
> HTML is the only output format that's in there right now, well, in addition 
> to two online forum formats. The wrapper is just an sprintf() format, so 
> the user (or I could, too) add ANSI color escape sequences very easily.
> $blue = color('blue');
> $format = '%s%s'.color('reset');
> $code = 'blue keyword!';
> $output .= sprintf($format, $blue, $code);
> It takes an element wrapper format like $format and a hash of colors like 
> $blue, so output format is pretty customizable. ANSI escapes are just 
> another kind of markup, which is all HTML is. It defaults to using a few 
> CSS classes and span tags, but there's no reason it couldn't be font tags 
> with embedded #colors.
> As for calling it Text::Highlight, that makes me think of HTML::Highlight, 
> which focuses on highlighting a couple words passed to it, like search 
> results. Is there some other kind of text someone could see this 
> highlighting other than code? Though it doesn't pick out syntax to the 
> level of PPI (which is why I didn't really like Parse::Syntax), it does 
> parse out some, definitely more than just words.
> Anyway, if it were Text::Highlight, wouldn't it make sense to move 
> Syntax::Highlight::Perl and HTML::SyntaxHighlighter to 
> Text::Highlight::HTML and Text::Highlight::Perl to keep all syntax 
> highlighters in the same place? Granted, all three have different 
> interfaces so the assumed relationship from namespace would be misleading. 
> That's the reason I wanted to just use Syntax::Highlight. It's a 
> language-generic namespace and it fits with half the syntax highlighters 
> currently available on CPAN.
> Thanks,
> Andrew 

I'd certainly be in favour of renaming the existing modules to
something under Text::Highlight. As for your not liking just
Highlight because it is too weak - how about

"If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't take life seriously enough."

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