At 02:45 PM 11/22/2003 +0100, you wrote:
I'd certainly be in favour of renaming the existing modules to
something under Text::Highlight. As for your not liking just
Highlight because it is too weak - how about


"If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't take life seriously enough."

I'm not adverse to putting it under the Text:: namespace, and if there, SyntaxHighlight is a pretty good name (odd how similar this is to HTML::SyntaxHighlighter which I thought was a bad idea two days ago). I didn't really think about Syntax:: being a new top-level namespace, but it's probably not a good idea populate one. I'm happy with Text::SyntaxHighlight unless someone wants to talk me out of it.

As to the grammar caching, would it be best to make sub modules out of it, ala CGI::Session style? But something else would have to be done for namespace because Text::SyntaxHighlight::MySQL couldn't be both a MySQL-specific highlighter and a method of caching grammars in a MySQL database.

And just out of curiosity, if the other language-specific modules are moved, how it backwards compatibility maintained with programs that used Syntax::Highlight::Perl if it's now named Text::SyntaxHighlight::Perl ?

And finally, what languages would everyone like to see in a bundled default grammar pack? C/C++, Perl, PHP, Java, CSS, and some flavor of SQL probably for sure. I put other things like C# and POV-Ray in there, but they're not as popular by any stretch and I'm sure I'll leave out to keep it smallish.


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