On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Dave Rolsky wrote:

> On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Simon Cozens wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marco Marongiu) writes:
> > > my $i = Date::Iterator->new( from => [2003,10,3], to => [2003,11,10] ) ;
> > > while (my $day = $i->next) { ... }
> >
> > Marco, in case you're getting discouraged, I think there's certainly
> > a place for Date::Iterator; I like it a lot, and I *really* like modules
> > in the "modular" tradition that do one thing and one thing well, rather
> > than modules in the "library" tradition that do everything to a reasonable
> > degree.
> I agree, that's why the DateTime project is made up of many different
> modules, each of which addresses a specific area.
> But the difference between the DateTime modules and Marco's module is that
> the DateTime modules are specifically designed to work _together_.  The
> biggest problem with the date & time code on CPAN outside the DateTime
> space is that while there are many problems solved, everybody has a
> slightly different API, so it's hard to chain a set of modules together to
> solve bigger problems.
> With the DateTime modules, you can pick and choose the pieces you need,
> and still be sure that in the future, if you need to do more, you can
> easily integrate other DateTime modules into your code.  I think that's
> far more modular than anything else out there.

At the begining of this thread, I through Date::Iterator sounded great. My
opinion on whether or not it should go into CPAN has gone back and forth.

I happened to need something just like that, except I needed it to handle
hour's as well. I offered to help add that to Date::Iterator.

DateTime::Event::Recurrence was mentioned, so I thought I'd check it out
(it's documentation doesn't make it seem nearly as easy as it should
seem).It's easy enough to use, and works well as expected. There's a
downside though... I had to install 13 other modules!

Date::Iterator would only (I think) require Date::Calc.
If all you need to do is Iterate over dates, Date::Iterator seems like a
much better choice to me. Overhead is important in many situations.
It would also be good for one off solutions.

So I don't know. DateTime::Set and DateTime::Event::Recurrance could both
use much better documentation, but I still see a place for Date::Iterator.

For now, I'll be using DateTime::Event::Recurrance, because I need to deal
with time based date sequences, and because I got in all installed.

Josh I.

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