On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Marco Marongiu wrote:

> As I said in my first mail, Date::Iterator came out to solve a problem I
> had at work. And as it happened to you, I decide to write a new module
> after a lot of searching into cpan. DateTime modules didn't come out
> from those searches, unfortunately. But, as Dave Rolsky recognized, even
> if I found them the documentation itself doesn't encourage people to use
> it for simple tasks...
> Could I contribute to the DateTime project? I think I can't. Working
> with calendars and times would require me an effort bigger than I can
> take. If you look at the module code, it am just plain using a single
> function from a single module (Date::Calc): I have no experience on
> doing things like that myself.

> Proliferation of modules on CPAN is evil? Maybe. Maybe not. It could
> create confusion, you are right. But... well, I'll say in italian: "Cio`
> che hai in piu` non ti impoverisce"; I don't have a good translation in
> english, but it could sound like "things you got and don't need don't
> make you poor". It's a natural selection process: people search for
> modules that do the job, read the docs and make a choice. If my module
> is bad, they simply won't use it.
> Instead of hiding my module in my insignificant website, wouldn't it be
> better to write on top and bottom of the docs an advice like "this is a
> small module and does a few things; you probabily want to take a look at
> DateTime and DateTime::Event::Recurrence <http://datetime.perl.org>"?

OK, that will teach me not to get suckered ino this kind of discussion

I think your module could be rewritten as syntaxic sugar over the existing
DateTime::* ones (or merged as a patch into an existing one).

It brings 2 things: a compact way to create a date for a day, and a
compact syntax to create an ierator over days. What integrating it into
the DateTime hierarchy would do is to allow it to play nice with the other

I haven't kept all the mails in the thread so I can't look at your
original code, but I believe the following would work in a similar way. I
would move the simpledate2datetime method somewhere else though, as it is
somewhat orthogonal (do I get points for using this first in this thread?)
to the iteration feature.

Does this make sense?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

# use as a list
my @days = DateTime::Iterator->new( from => "2001-11-03", to =>  "2001-11-10");
foreach my $day (@days ) { print $day->ymd . "\n";  }

# use as an iterator
my $days= DateTime::Iterator->new( from => [ 2001, 11, 03], to => [ 2001,  11, 10]);
while( my $day= $days->next) { print $day->ymd . "\n";  }

package DateTime::Iterator;

use Carp;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Event::Recurrence;

sub new
  { my( $class, %options)= @_;
    carp "need a to and from option to daily_sequence"
      unless( defined( $options{from}) && defined( $options{to}));
    my $from = simpledate2datetime( $options{from});
    my $to   = simpledate2datetime( $options{to});
    my $daily_set = DateTime::Event::Recurrence->daily;
    return wantarray ? $daily_set->as_list( start => $from, end => $to )
                     : $daily_set->iterator( start => $from, end => $to )

sub simpledate2datetime
  { my $simpledate= shift;
    unless( UNIVERSAL::isa( $simpledate, 'ARRAY'))
      { $simpledate= [split /-/, $simpledate ] }
    my %date_args;
    @date_args{qw( year month day)}= @$simpledate;
    return DateTime->new( %date_args);

Michel Rodriguez
Perl &amp; XML

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