
Today that work is left to the module writer, setup a web site, setup a
mailling list etc ...

I once wrote that it would be great to have the equivalent of sourceforge
for perl module, the answer I got was "use sourceforge". Hmm talk about not
answering the question. The most disturbing thing is that perl is Huge, lots
of developpers, modules and projects but Ruby that is so small does have a

Cheers, Nadim.

"Gabor Szabo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > What I propose is:
> My wish is to have a web forum where each module has its own category
> and people can discuss the module, get help etc. without subscribing
> to the specific mailing list of the module.
> Especially that most of the modules don't even have a mailing list.
> Gabor

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