> I would rather see more standardization on the use of the DateTime
> project, in much the same way that people think of DBI when they think
> of accessing databases through Perl.
> In this case, perhaps some clear documentation and examples (just like
> the one above) would be the best solution. I think if such a solution
> was easy to find on Google and clearly documented, people would use it,
> especially once there is more awareness of DateTime as a comprehensive
> date & time solution for Perl.
I agree Mark, i've posted my module on the DateTime mailing list. Let's see what they 
say about it.

But i think the DateTime project is not gaining fair promotion once their modules are 
not even appearing on the main "Module List"
in the cpan's site at http://www.cpan.org/modules/00modlist.long.html.

If people should concentrate effort in making this framework the solution for Dates 
and times related problems, the DateTime
namespace should at least appear on the Module List, right?


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