On 29/03/2005 22:14 Andy Lester wrote:

Mea culpa.  I'll rephrase.

"Or thrown away entirely, along with the rest of the archaic idea of
module registration."

The time has come to recognize that CPAN is an unregulated free-for-all,
and that the existing way of trying to wrap our heads around its
contents hasn't scaled and needs to go away.  The good parts (knowing
who is authoritative for a module) need to get pulled out, and put into
a new system.

I'm sympathetic to the idea, but some of the information in DSLIP is useful and shouldn't be thrown away (such as how supported, alpha/beta/mature, and license). What isn't in META.yml should go there.

Other things such as interface style could be determined automatically, though it may take hints from developers. I'm not sure if it really matters if a module uses embedded Java, Perl6, Lisp, or whatever so long as it works.

What's more important is how to indicate what external programs or libraries a module uses. (As a CPAN Tester this is the biggest bugbear!)

Support information is a little more nuanced, and I'm not sure how that should be handled.


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