David Cantrell a écrit :

There is one crucial difference between the CPAN testers and "real"
spammers though - we actually care what authors think.  Upgrading to a
version of CPAN::Reporter that supports the skip file is on my to-do
list, and you can rest assured that PETDANCE will be the second author
in there, along with MLEHMANN, as they obviously don't want reports.

Just to be annoying, could the reverse be also available?
While checking the reports of my modules, I see from time to time FAIL reports that weren't sent to me by mail. Some of these reports were even useful to me.

Ok, I should setup a Plagger thingy to read the feeds from cpantesters, filter my modules, find and send the new FAIL reports, but being pushed the reports by mail is just so much easier.. And aren't we using a language that promote laziness ;-)

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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