On Sun, 22 Aug 2010 17:25:53 +0200, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:

> Maybe Project:: instead?

This started a fruitful line of search for me. 'Project::' is a
sparsely-populated namespace and the search led to to projects/modules
that do have some relation to the thing I consider. At the risk of
verbosity, I'm going to comment on each. You might skip this, though; I
consider this a dead end. 

* ProjectBuilder -- (http://www.project-builder.org/) -- This seems much
like my thing. But docs are sparse and the orientation seems to be
towards building distribution packages for multiple architectures. Since
cpan[pm]? plus EU::MM or M::B is a standard method for installing Perl
modules on *any* machine, I think this is covered. 

* Devel::PerlySense::Project -- I can't tell what this does or why. But
I do sense some common feeling here. 

* Project::Easy -- This fellow gets into details without explaining the
overall thrust; again, I'm not sure what this does. 

* App::Mypp -- I saw this before. It goes much in the same direction as
my thing but is too rigid and limited. 

* Module::Mapper -- Not my kind of thing at all but I sense a similar
frustration with difficulty finding things. 

* Module::DevAid -- Another tool to get specific release-time tasks
done. Says it doesn't play with Git. 

* Dir::Project -- Not directly related to my problem set. But again, I
see a similar difficulty, this time involving (cwd? cd?). 

While I don't think my project is necessarily a good fit in 'Project::',
I'm less certain of 'Module::' now, too. I'm going to start over with a
fresh RFC and redefine the scope of the thing. Please read and comment. 


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