On 11/08/2011 04:22 PM, Neil Bowers wrote:
> One of the problems I see with CPAN is that there are many modules
> which have been left unattended. Many of these have outstanding bugs,
> and a good number have patches and forked versions, some of which you can
> find on RT. You'll also find people offering to take over the maintainership
> of modules. While reviewing modules I've identified a lot of fixes, and 
> documentation improvements, but it can take a lot of effort to get them out.

Being on the patch submitting side of this, I'll put in my 2 pence.

For the last 2 years, I've been bugging one CPAN author to apply my patch
that fixes a bug in RT.  He says, "I've moved to GitHub.  Fork my project and
issue a pull request".  After a while, I learn git issue the pull request and
get on with life.  I check back months later to find nothing has changed
because _his_ life has gotten in the way and being a parent myself, I'm
sympathetic.  He apologizes and gives me commit access to his repository.
Great, but it _still_ hasn't propagated to CPAN, so when I get around to
fixing the new bug I've found, I'll ask him for co-maintainer status which I
don't expect to be a problem.

In essence, you're trying to elicit from the authors how they feel about
their module, either:
        * I'm easy.  I just want it to be useful to people.
        * That's my _baby_ you're talking about!
which hides the ugly and bureaucratic detail you're rightfully proposing.

<offtopic rant> Github labels itself social coding, yet the 2 projects that
people have suggested I fork see no action on the pull requests and I've gone
out of my way to get my head around Yet Another CVS System just to get the
same result as if I've just emailed a patch.  Technology doesn't make people
interested in old projects when there's new shiny to work on.

Or is it me?  What's the matter?  Do I stink?   />

> in the light of recent discussions, donning flame-retardent long-johns.

Perhaps they weren't pleasant for the participants, but I rather enjoyed the
recent discussion.  It's been over a decade since I've seen anything so full
of eloquent vitriol, made me hungry for popcorn.  Kids these days don't know
how to flame.

> [*] I tried to come up with a catchy name for this, but failed. Ideas?

given the nature of the demographic - The Chastity Pledge?
(tongue firmly in cheek)

  The Kleeberger is defined as a tonne metre per second squared
  which you will recognize as a unit of _brute_ force.

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