TL;DR: yeah, what they said.

Boyd wrote:
> In essence, you're trying to elicit from the authors how they feel about
> their module, either:
>       * I'm easy.  I just want it to be useful to people.
>       * That's my _baby_ you're talking about!
> which hides the ugly and bureaucratic detail you're rightfully proposing.

Right now people get fame, glory and rights when they contribute to CPAN.
I think it would help if there was a sense of responsibility as well, and a 
of some rights.

I get a lot of value out of CPAN, and think of adding modules to the pot as a
way of "giving back", rather than CPAN giving me a distribution channel for my 

When I upload something to CPAN, I'd almost now like to think that I'm
giving ownership of the module to CPAN, and for the moment I have
stewardship. And as long as I exercise that stewardship, no-one else can take 

But if other things become important in my life (again!), I don't want to hold
people and CPAN progress up.

And since most CPAN related work is done on a voluntary basis, this cannot
be mandated. But we can encourage the culture to evolve in a certain direction.

Lars wrote:
> Metadata can already be attached to distributions in an extensible
> fashion. It's really about the code, not the author/maintainer - one
> can have different opinions on/policies for different distros.

Absolutely. I might treat one of my distros as my baby, but be a bit
more easy-going on the others. And another might be done for work,
and thus not up for pledging.


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