On Mar 8, 2007, at 9:36 PM, Adam Kennedy wrote:

Chris Dolan wrote:
Just a reminder that there already is an XML/RDF format for project metadata: DOAP (http://usefulinc.com/doap/) It has the significant advantage that it already exists. :-) Seriously, some services are already consuming DOAP so whatever you choose to use, it would be useful to include a DOAP exporter.

Yep, seen it. In fact the RDF we're working on is an extention of it.

Cool.  That will make it easy to reduce to DOAP for existing consumers.

Unfortunately, by CPAN standards DOAP is fairly primitive. It has no concept of project depedencies.

Understood.  This is fantastic news.


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC, http://equilibrious.net/
Public key: http://chrisdolan.net/public.key
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