This META.yml key, if it exists in a distribution, would inform the CPAN client that it has dependencies that MUST be installed prior to the configure script being run at all.

These dependencies would always be static, and could never be changed. Platform related dependency variability in THESE modules would thus need to be addressed within that dependency independently, presenting a single facade.

I think configure_requires is a good step in the right direction. I'm not completely convinced it solves the entire problem, though. The one case I'm not sure about is when there are alternative methods of configuration (e.g. a Build.PL and a Makefile.PL) and they have different dependencies (e.g. M::B and EU::MM versions).

Also, I agree it would be nice to keep this list static, but that may be easier said than done. Not sure.

I would suggest that you simply have to list the dependencies for BOTH of them. At the moment the Makefile.PL produced by Module::Build are being done in a maximum-compatibility way anyway, so I think it's probably not going to matter.

Perhaps it's worth noting that it doesn't actually need to be *globally* static, just *locally* static within the context of a single build. A mini-language for dependencies could accomplish that - for instance, something like this:

 configure_requires: 'Cwd: 1.2, {PLATFORM=Windows} ? PPM : BuildThing'

For any given build, that evaluates to either

 configure_requires: 'Cwd: 1.2, PPM'
 configure_requires: 'Cwd: 1.2, BuildThing'

without the need for truly dynamic configuration. Locally static properties that come to mind are things like platform or perl version.

Maybe that's too fancy, though.  Not sure.

Probably, minilanguages add a lot of complexity to the CPAN clients, whereas a fully static dependency keeps things very simple to implement.

You also hit the problem of the minilanguage not being featureful enough and eventually becoming more complex, and getting loops, and then becoming turing complete in it's own right, and at that point well we might as well be using Perl anyway, and we've looped back to where we started.

More-likely, MOST of the edge cases with static deps can be solved by abstracting over the problem and pushing the platform-problems or completeness stuff down into the dependency.

So while you have a static dep on Module::Build 1.23, there's no reason that Module::Build can't then have a Perl-based platform-or-anything-else sensitive configure script.

The only case left would be Makefile.PL AND Build.PL in a single script, and I'd suggest you either 1) Don't list deps for Makefile.PL 2) List deps for BOTH configure scripts 3) Stop using both (which will happen in 3-5 years)

When Module::Build generated a META.yml it would then automatically add a configure_requires dependency on the version of Module::Build used to generate the META.yml in the first place.

Presumably we'd also let users explicitly state the version of M::B that's required at install-time if they know it, just like we do for other prereqs. Otherwise, I agree, the current version is a good default.

Absolutely yes. The auto-addition would be a default. I'll note that in a few small cases Module::Install does this for the install_share command, and it works just fine.

Also - what happens if a user has an old CPAN, an old M::B, and downloads a META.yml containing a configure_requires entry? Presumably that entry would be ignored and the user would miss the dependency altogether. Any thoughts on how to deal with that gracefully? Maybe something embedded in the Makefile.PL/Build.PL that enforces it or at least warns?

There is no graceful way to deal with this. Previously the problem was small enough to be ignored. When Module::Build came along, it made the problem larger, but was dealt with partly via also having a Makefile.PL with the dist.

As far as I can tell, there's simply no backcompatible way to add this.

That said, for most people, the first thing they do is upgrade Or at the very least, CPAN recommends that it get upgraded, which people will do if the install fails the first time around, which then fixes the problem.

Anyone that upgrades CPAN would get the new capabilities, and thus be fine.

On the downside, to my mind this probably means that no modules in or depending on by Bundle::CPAN should be using Module::Install, and should have an exclusively old-style Makefile.PL.

So that at least the bootstrap problem doesn't prevent you from upgrading CPAN to solve the bootstrap problem.

And hopefully we'll have support for this working before 5.10.0, if not certainly 5.10.1 will be ok with it, so from there people will have the proper.

Once we get this added, the next step is to have the CPAN client itself be able to tell if it is fatally out of date. And that will solve the problem once and for all, because we will always be able to forcefully drag CPAN clients up to the current minimum as it moves.

As for putting something in the Build.PL... yes, I guess, but it would be big, ugly, and stuck at the top of the Build.PL scripts for several years.

Ken, what's involved in having it added to the spec?

Just me committing it to the spec pod. I try to be consensusy about it, though, so of course let's make sure we work through the issues in public first.

One thing I really like about the idea - it would let us be more aggressive about adding new M::B features, e.g. extensions to the dependency syntax that we've been wanting for years.

That's one of the problems it solves, yes.

Adam K

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