On Jun 13, 2007, at 3:32 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:

# from Ken Williams
# on Tuesday 12 June 2007 09:00 pm:

In most cases, M::B will be the only c_r entry (and will be auto.)  I
would really like to not need to state any explicit M::B requirement in
Build.PL, so then you get into special-casing that automagic entry.
Plus we're only warning the author about it and not covering the
manual-Build.PL scenario.

I think we want to treat missing c_r entries as show-stoppers. That is,
configure_requires => {Module::Build => 0.28} should be analogous to:

  use Module::Build 0.28;

You want to invent that time machine then, or should I? If someone has M::B 0.26 installed, they'll continue on their merry way until something blows up.

Also, the c_r entry is getting written to META.yml, not to Build.PL. So if we need to be sensitive to it in Build.PL, that implies we need to read the META.yml, which we don't currently do.


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