On Tue, 13 Jan 2009 23:51:10 -0500, "David Golden"
<da...@hyperbolic.net> said:
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 12:45 PM, Steve Hay <steve...@planit.com> wrote:
> > >> And get our release manager access to a Win32 box to test on :)
> >
> FWIW, I tested M::B trunk on Win32 and got failures in compat.t due to
> files
> not being able to be deleted.  I also got lots of warnings elsewhere
> during
> cleanup -- all due from File::Path::rmtree.
> Upgrading File::Path to 2.07 made the warnings and test failure go away.
> Should we bump the prerequisite?
> (My personal bias is that things like File::Spec and File::Path should
> almost always have very recent versions as prerequisites as older
> versions
> are incredibly buggy.)
> -- David

I'd say so. If previous versions cause bugs, then they need to be

Forgot to send this to the list earlier, too:

I have to admit that I didn't notice that M::B was failing (I develop my
perl stuff on Win32, so I hit the bugs, usually) because I was doing
other things and haven't tried to update Module::Build lately.... Mea
Maxima Culpa.

One of these days I need to build myself a smoke-tester installation.
(Once I get my current project out of the nest, I may just do it. Only
problem would be installing a second instance of Perl and automating it
- and that should be easy enough.  Keep bugging me, OK?)

Curtis Jewell

%DCL-E-MEM-BAD, bad memory
-VMS-F-PDGERS, pudding between the ears

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