On Thu, 3 Jul 2008 17:02:19 +0300
"Harold J. Ship" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
> This is my first post to this list. I have a project coming up for a
> customer who wants to get their IIS extension working as an Apache
> module on Linux.

An apache module is normally cross-platform.

> Some of the challenges are:
> 1) They maintain their own thread pool and scheduler. Those threads
> process requests and send responses back to the user agent. This frees
> up IIS threads. Is this possible to do in Apache? By the way, they use
> Extension Control Blocks to do that.

Yes, if you're happy to limit it to threaded implementations.
But it may not make sense.  See apr_thread_proc (and related
APR modules) for API.

> 2) Some requests have "sub-requests" that are sent back through IIS.
> The main request maintains some globally accessible data that the
> sub-requests write to. When the sub-requests are completed, the main
> request can use that data. Is this kind of thing possible in an Apache
> module?

Yep, no problem.  Most likely you'll want to let the subrequest access
its parent.

Nick Kew

Application Development with Apache - the Apache Modules Book

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