Thanks ed.

You realized of the kind of help I need.

In APR docs is explained how to use pipes and as you said, I can try to use a mail transfer agent. Sounds quite possible.

(I'm quite noob with C and the sort of solutions it allows to achieve, as you saw.)


ed wrote:
On Fri, 04 Jul 2008 18:42:48 +0200
Samuel Gomez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is there any way of sending e-mail with Apache?

For example, how are mails sent when the ServerAdmin directive ( ) is used?

I was looking around the code but I wasn't able to find when this
data is used to compose and send a mail.

Well, with Apache itself, I don't think there's a routine, since mail
is implemented differently on different platforms.

I cannot think of a method to deliver mail on a Windows system, mainly
because it's not got that orientation, first one has to buy exchange ...

Anyway, probably the most likely method is to open a pipe
to /usr/lib/sendmail or /usr/sbin/sendmail, whatever your religion,
then write mail to it.

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