On Sun, 02 Oct 2016 15:01:48 +0200, David Golden <x...@xdg.me> wrote:

The selected person will not be announced until after the fact, in order to
insulate him from having to deal with mst,

Let's put aside the identity of the person for the moment. Earlier you said:

#4 is not an ideal, but a viable chance for the user community to come
together and take responsibility for steering things further.

Perhaps you could elaborate more on your thoughts about the *role* of the maintainer after the handover: >what you see that person doing, what kinds of decisions you think they will face, and so on. Also, elaborate on >your criteria for a maintainer: what went into your selection process?

Remember, we're most interested in seeing your articulate what the DBIC community can expect for the future. >The specific person is merely a mechanism for that decision.

Full disclosure:

This is gonna be personal, because it can't be anything but.

I am biased. I perceive myself as having been hurt by riba. Intentionally. For no other reason than his own enjoyment. I perceive him having done the same to at least one other person, for the same reason. He has expressed he feels no remorse for any such actions, and in fact steadfastly considers them something people interacting with him should expect as par for the course. He has said so in public* and repeatedly and in vast detail in private.

* https://twitter.com/ribasushi/status/597722817866661888 - (1:19 PM - 11 May 2015) - "For the public record: Sometimes I consciously troll people for no other purpose but to relax. Been doing so for 2 decades with mild success"

What i see happening here looks similar to strategies he employed back then, which is to get people unnerved and then keep them on edge by withholding information and implying consequences.

I am not convinced it is the absolute truth, but i consider this a reasonable possibility: He may be doing the same thing right now, with his cannons aimed at mst.

At the same time, as insane as this may seem, i trust him in technical regards. In my experience he has not done any missteps that might be considered "professional". I do not know if he does this merely out of a sense of personal pride, or because such things may become part of his "career history".

I consider mst's concerns as i've seen them linked in this thread to be borne out of something riba created in a calculated manner: A fear of the unknown, spiced with single-word hints at possible outcomes. Not an attempt to fuck with riba. (Although i fully expect riba to claim that this is now an attempt to collectively troll him.) The reasons and expectations around the transfer of FIRSTCOME were clear and reasonable.

That said, it is true that in its current state DBIC is a one-man show and has been for a long while. However, i do not know whether this is because of a general lack of interest in involvement, or possibly due to riba having been so abrasive to so many people (see his language towards other devs in this thread) that nobody wishes to interact with him anymore, or that he possibly has been engaging in large scale refactors that precluded meaningful contribution.

I don't know if riba intends to just give the thing to ilmari and be content with having kept some hearts beating at higher than normal rate for a few weeks.

I don't know if he intends to give it to someone whose only action will be to hold FIRSTCOME and do nothing else; thus effectively forcing PAUSE to take this away, passing it on to someone else and effectively martyring riba.

I expect it to be an outcome that will still leave him able to describe himself as an excellent engineer.

However, as a DBIC user, i am worried about its future, specifically the future of the development of DBIC, since the wording riba has chosen leaves that ambiguous. I hope for two possible paths in the future:

Either riba states clearly and in entirely unmisunderstandable terms his commitment to doing his best to start (not maintain) an indefinite future of development following his departure and refrain from using his perms and personnel choices to introduce any kind of obstacle to indefinite development.

Or the PAUSE admins let him do whatever he wishes until his involvement is complete, and commit to removing any obstacles to indefinite future development he may have put in place, as per this violating the original understanding at FIRSTCOME transferrence.

With regards,
Christian Walde

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