On 10/04/2016 11:36 PM, Matt S Trout wrote:

Had I not got explicit agreement before transferring anything that all I
was doing was easing co-maint addition, I would absolutely not have gone
down this route.

Since we are digging in the past: had I not gotten an unambiguous legitimization of my 1st come from both Matt[1] and an even stronger one from David[2] ( in addition to a large swathe of the community ) I don't think I would have returned for additional 3 years trying to rescue this project from its immense architectural debt.

[1] https://web.archive.org/web/20161004214347/http://blogs.perl.org/users/peter_rabbitson/2013/07/crowdsourcing-self-confidence.html#comment-1129854 [2] https://web.archive.org/web/20161004214347/http://blogs.perl.org/users/peter_rabbitson/2013/07/crowdsourcing-self-confidence.html#comment-1130257

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