Hi folks,

Hmm, my @cpan.org emails land in a "mostly pile of spam" folder, oops.

On Sun, 02 Oct 2016 12:33:54 +0100, David Golden <x...@xdg.me> wrote:

We, too, encourage other maintainers and/or community members to join the conversation.
David Golden <x...@xdg.me> Twitter/IRC/GitHub: @xdg

Having read the last few days messages, consider this me joining in..

Admittedly I haven't been following the DBIC ML / commits lately, for at least a year.. This is mostly because its felt like

a) Nothing is allowed to be added/tweaked until specifically approved by Riba, or until some other piece of work is finished which can only be done by Riba.

b) I didn't want to add to all the more things that Riba had to do, thus keeping quiet until some point became available that others could join in, was reached.

This has been the case for what seems like waaay too long (years), such that its easy to think "nobody else cares", various of us who've cared and attempted to help out, have been shoved away, or ignored.

Personally, I'd like to have DBIC be more of a community project again, with various people having ideas, implementing additions, checking each others work, patching issues, testing etcetc.. While I get that its depended on a fair bit, I don't think that means being *perfect* to the exclusion of all experimentation. I don't think I've come across other bits of CPAN, apart from maybe the ones in core, that attempt to be as rigorous in their perfection. Really, if people upgrade, and encounter an issue .. they can either downgrade and wait, or pitch in and help (or pay someone to).. this is open source after all.

As for the issue at hand: Who owns the first-come isnt terribly relevant, as long as they work with those of us who'd like to see DBIC continue to evolve/improve, ideally several folks will have co-maint, and some sort of minor org of releases happens. As yet it hasn't been mentioned whether transfer of the first-come from Riba, would also involve cancelling all the co-maints? (or did that happen and I missed it?)

TL:DR - more community involvement, less micromanagement please

Jess Robinson / JROBINSON / castaway

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