Hi evevryody !

I'm quite a newbie with MON but I'm proud I installed it and made it run  on a RedHat Linux server as well as I could !

I even modified the telnet.monitor to make a telnet on port 53 as the dns.monitor doesn't seems to work !

Everything seems to work all right : I get alert and upalert by mail as I monitor by fping, smtp, and telnet 53.

The problem is the following : I let MON run for a one night, and the next morning MON has made a lot of child processes : about 1500,  2 new process by minut !!  

What would happen if I let it for a week  :-))  ? 

If anyone have ever seen this problem, may you explain me what to do to avoid this !

I think it's the same problem that was posted  the " Wed, 10 Apr 2002 02:17:31" by Barbalata  but I didn't find an answer about it.

Thanks for your help !





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