--On Wednesday, September 25, 2002 8:53 AM -0700 Jim Trocki 

> perldoc -f exists
>        exists EXPR
>                Given an expression that specifies a hash element
>                or array element, returns true if the specified
>                element in the hash or array has ever been ini­
>                tialized, even if the corresponding value is unde­
>                fined.  The element is not autovivified if it
>                doesn't exist.

Yes, I understand what exists does, however perl -w still hates this code:
my %h;
$h{stuff} = undef;
die if (exists $h{"stuff"} && $h{"stuff"} ne "");

To be precise, perl -w says:
Use of uninitialized value in string ne at test.pl line 5.

Just because something exists does not mean it is defined, which was my 
point in the previous post.

Anyway, the patchset should be on its way to you shortly.

-David Nolan
 Network Software Developer
 Computing Services
 Carnegie Mellon University

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