At 10:16 AM 11/10/02 +0000, Aled Treharne wrote:

I've got mon.cgi on a box running apache connecting to mon@localhost.
Authentication is workig fine from moncmd, and I can log into mon.cgi
fine. However, once I click on another link on the mon.cgi page (i.e. to
actually *do* something) mon.cgi forgets my login...
You need to accept cookies in your browser. Because each page view to mon.cgi establishes a new session with the mon server, login information is stored in an encrypted cookie in your browser. You can still use mon.cgi without cookies, you'll just have to re-login on each page. Modern browsers will let you accept cookies on a per-host basis, so even if you generally like to browse without cookies, you should enable them from your mon.cgi host.


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