On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Ed Ravin wrote:
> I'm playing with using "watch = xxx" in mon.cgi.cf but it seems to
> be an all-or-nothing deal - there doesn't seem to be a way to restrict
> views based on individual users.  And rightfully, user access control
> ought to be in Mon rather than the user interface.  Has anyone thought
> about how to do this?

I thought about it a bit before I implemented that feature in mon.cgi.
Basically it seemed like a lot of work, but very doable. In mon.cgi I just
put a check before each command that operates on a given hostgroup to see
if the user has access to operate on that hostgroup. I imagine this
functionality could easily be put into mon.

I think the bigger problem might be setting up an access control
configuration that wouldn't drive you mad, assuming a given user (or group
of users) could have different access privs to different hostgroups. e.g.,
'view all' but only 'disable' in the 'help-desk-servers' group.

Since no one had really asked for it, I thought I'd add that to mon.cgi
and see if anyone actually used it, at least it could provide some basic
access control. Using separate directories like this, each with their own
mon.cgi.cf file, you could accomplish some neat things with apache
authentication and access control directives, with URL's like this:

BTW, there are some patches to mon.cgi needed for the watch keyword to
work as intended. Contact me if you need them.


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