Andrew Ryan writes:
> On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Ed Ravin wrote:
> > I'm playing with using "watch = xxx" in but it seems to
> > be an all-or-nothing deal - there doesn't seem to be a way to restrict
> > views based on individual users.

> Since no one had really asked for it, I thought I'd add that to mon.cgi
> and see if anyone actually used it, at least it could provide some basic
> access control. Using separate directories like this, each with their own
> file, you could accomplish some neat things with apache
> authentication and access control directives, with URL's like this:
> http://your.mon.server/customer1/mon.cgi
> http://your.mon.server/customer2/mon.cgi

The issue is when customer1 tries to use customer2's URL - since Mon
is doing the authentication, not mon.cgi, how do we keep customer1
from using his password to view customer2's information?

> BTW, there are some patches to mon.cgi needed for the watch keyword to
> work as intended. Contact me if you need them.

Perhaps the answer is in the patches?  Please send them...
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