Judson Lester wrote:
Well, that's an incredibly depressing response. I'm certainly in that group that tends to make tool choices with little concern for "what everyone else is doing." There are a number of really excellent features of monotone that I'm not aware of anywhere else in VC land. But there's also a lot of shortcomings that I'd love to see fixed.
I prefer to think of it as the team is resting after the 1.0 release - live in hope:-). Thomas was one of the driving forces behind getting 1.0 out and he is finding it very difficult to spend the time on monotone these days. But certainly start raising tickets and help out. Richard Levitte is another key figure.

I have primarily been focused on mtn-browse, a GUI front-end for Monotone .But I suspect that if you started a branch and started to work on some of these issues you would like to see fixed, raised tickets for them etc, then you would hopefully get quite a few people commenting on your ideas and reviewing changes.

And certainly, yes, I have to work with git all the time, and I don't like its basic model of revision and commit structure, or its philosophy of rewriting history as a feature. I am impressed with how it stores history though.

Git also has github going for it, which is pretty huge. Indefero would be good, but my experience with it so far have been lukewarm.

Anyhow, the story is that Monotone is looking for a new core team? Is that a correct understanding?


On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 1:25 PM, Bruce Stephens <monot...@cenderis.demon.co.uk <mailto:monot...@cenderis.demon.co.uk>> wrote:

    CooSoft Support <supp...@coosoft.plus.com
    <mailto:supp...@coosoft.plus.com>> writes:

    > Bruce Stephens wrote:


    > I was thinking about divergences from non-head revisions, in mtn you
    > just get two heads on the same branch. In git it goes off branch and
    > the only way you can get back to it is to remember the sha1 hash on
    > the revision. If it isn't put on a branch then it gets pruned
    when you
    > do a git gc.. Other things are also more clunky.

    Technically not true, but I take your point.  It can certainly be
    non-trivial to find work that you just know you committed.  Not
    (ordinarily) impractical.  The user manual has a section on it
    ("Recovering lost changes").


    > hehe - a lot of people do not get on with git, goodness knows
    how many
    > do.

    Certainly true.  And mercurial seems quite attractive to many: it's
    similarly fast and space-efficient but with a saner command set.

    > mtn is very good at the day to day stuff, branching merging etc
    > and the merging on git can make a real mess - I know I have had to
    > sort  it out (and yes mtn under the same conditions did it

    Could be.  I've not noticed any particular problems: for me git's
    merging has been adequate, really fast, and the rerere support
    allows it
    to cope with repeated similar merges (admittedly that seems quite
    but it works OK).  Quite possibly I'm just used to the pain.

    What I'm not sure is, given that someone finds the git commands
    confusing (which isn't difficult to believe) and doesn't like
    how plausible the monotone story is.

    I think I'd look at bazaar and fossil next (not sure in what order).
    fossil also uses sqlite (is originally written by the author of
    and gives a wiki, bug tracker, web interface as well as a DVCS.

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