Hendrik Boom <hend...@topoi.pooq.com> writes:

> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 06:41:42PM +0000, Bruce Stephens wrote:
>> Make sure you've got something to offer.  Back in the day there weren't
>> many practical DVCSs, but nowadays I'd guess that fossil would be a more
>> likely refuge for people who don't like git or mercurial.  (Not sure who
>> bazaar attracts; I find it peculiarly opaque.)
> Doesn't Ubuntu use bazaar?  If so, Ubuntu developers would use it.

And GNU Emacs. But apart from projects that have some political reason
to use it, I'm not sure who it would attract. But that may just be that
I don't understand it (probably because I've mostly avoided using it).

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