Thomas Keller wrote:
Am 13.12.11 00:33, schrieb Judson Lester:
[...] So, seeing an email from a few months back that seemed to suggest that
monotone is kind of done - no one seems to be keen to continue
development, and everyone seems satisfied - was a little disheartening.

What is the status of monotone as a project?

Software - and especially Open Source software - is only insofar
complete as long as no one complains about something and eventually
hacks on it.

The thing with monotone now is probably that there are just too few
people using and therefor possibly complaining (enough) about stuff. And
even if they'd complain, the alternatives seem - most of the time - much
more attractive.
I used git recently, and quite frankly give me monotone any time. Git is far too complex in certain areas and it's easy to loose stuff. Very fast though. We use Perforce at work, quite good really. But again with great power comes great complexity. Monotone does 98% of what most people want out of an SCM system but it is very simple to do the important things (not so with Perforce). The die-die-die merge could be a lot better, git has a nice way of doing it (but then it needs to be good as it seems rubbish at the actual auto-merging itself). Hopefully more people are using it than we think and are just happy with it - I know dream on...

Perhaps more plugging of mtn on the internet?.... To get the git rejects?

Also a lot of people put a lot of effort into getting 1.0 out the door. I'm nearly there with mtn-browse. And it's only natural that people take a breather afterwards... I will.
monotone's code base ages in the meantime, and while it is still very,
very sophisticated in many areas, it might just scare away younger devs
because its C++, and not Ruby, or Python, or Java.

So yes, development kind of ceased, and I'm not happy on that fact
either, but its actually all about participation. It brings us nothing
to whine about the fact that nobody hacks on it; if you, or me or
anybody else _cares_ about monotone and starts hacking on it again, than
it will live further, if not, it will die. Its as simple as that.

Unfortunately my personal time for open source projects is very, very
limited these days, so I cannot bring much into this anymore. We really
need fresh blood...



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