Hi Alex,

It's worth investigating. I can make no guarantees that your current
hardware is the cause of the xcode syncing problem, of course, but it's
possible. Upgrading your hardware certainly wouldn't hurt. A year ago when
I was doing a lot of work on the Xcode syncing stuff, I was finding that
4GB of RAM for running 2 copies of MonoDevelop (debugging MonoDevelop
inside MonoDevelop) and Xcode side-by-side was a bit on the slow side and
once I upgraded my RAM, things ran a lot faster. 8GB of RAM and an SSD
should improve things a lot for you.

That said, I did find one error in the log files you sent me yesterday
indicating a race condition that caused an NRE during one of the last syncs
in your most recent MonoDevelop session. I'm not 100% sure that it is the
cause of the failure to sync, but it might be. The problem is that I'm not
sure how the race was happening (the only way I can see how it could have
happened is if our AppleSdkSettings object emitted a Changed event
mid-sync, but I'm not sure how that could happen). That was the only
code-path that didn't do the proper locking before modifying some internal
state variables used by the syncing process. I've added the proper locking
for an upcoming MonoDevelop release (I can provide a pre-release
download for you as soon as I get to the office). Maybe you can test it out
for a few days and see if it seems to solve the issue for you.

Hope that helps,


On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 3:54 AM, Alex White <alexwhit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> My issues could come down to the performance of my MacBook it is pretty
> old a dual core, 4gb of ram, how much better does monodevelop run on a quad
> core, I see my CPU max'ed out for many minutes at a time when compiling is
> happening, memory seems to be ok so I am guessing there is not excessive
> paging of memory, so it comes down to CPU and a bit of hdd.
> my current MacBook is:-
>   Model Name: MacBook Pro
>   Model Identifier: MacBookPro3,1
>   Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
>   Processor Speed: 2.2 GHz
>   Number of Processors: 1
>   Total Number of Cores: 2
>   L2 Cache: 4 MB
>   Memory: 4 GB
>   Bus Speed: 800 MHz
> I am contemplating a quad core 15" with a solid state hdd with 8gb of ram,
> I need to reduce the compile round trip times significantly if I can, is it
> worth investigating this route?
> Alex
> On 27 Sep 2012, at 17:05, Jeff Stedfast <j...@xamarin.com> wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 7:24 AM, Alex White <alexwhit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> thanks for the reply,
>> This problems has been occurring on and off for months, but in the last
>> week 100% of the Xcode updates are no making their way into MonoDevelop it
>> has forced me to recode my project to be xib free, it does not help that
>> this happened right in the middle of a load of work with beta testers, but
>> an xib free app should be better in the long run. I have had so many
>> crashes that always report, some in MonoDevelop and some in Xcode, I have
>> also noted that there are times where the sync'ing back to MonoDevelop has
>> crashed both MonoDevelop and XCode at the same time, both needing to be
>> forced to quit which does not make sense to me as the sync'ing from what I
>> can see is not done via processes but file watching if you see my logic.
> There's some IPC (via AppleScripting) between MonoDevelop and Xcode as
> well, during the syncing process, so this might explain that.
>> I will in future use Xcode to only prototype screen layouts then creating
>> the views programatically.
>> Not only do I have to create them from scratch but I cannot use the
>> original names as this throws up so many errors that I cannot fix, I have
>> so many views now with 2's or 3's on the end of them. Also a side issue is
>> renaming of objects in Xcode I have never got this to work properly and be
>> reflected back in MonoDevelop but that is another issue, but having many
>> objects that have the wrong name is not good.
>> Where are the timeouts?, I will have a play with them if they are
>> available to me.
> Unfortunately, they are not available for users to tweak (they are
> currently hard-coded in MonoDevelop). MonoDevelop's XcodeSync log file
> would help me figure out if it is related to the timeouts at all, or if it
> is something else.
>> I will do some further testing before I go down the route of logging a
>> bug.
> If you can get your hands on the appropriate XcodeSync log file in the
> MonoDevelop log directory, that might be enough. I added some fairly
> verbose debugging WriteLines in MonoDevelop's syncing logic in order to
> make it easier for me to debug these kinds of issues.
> You should be able to find them in
> /Users/<name>/Library/Logs/MonoDevelop-3.0/Xcode*.log
> Hope that helps,
> Jeff
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