Whenever we've talked about coring MooseX modules, it's mostly been MXAH and
MooseX::Types.  Does anyone have any changes they'd like to see in MX::Types
before it becomes, say, Moose::Types?  (Moose::TypeConstraints?)

For myself:

* Warn/die on subtype DeclaredType => as Foo => where { ... } (accidental
  stringification) -- I thought someone had fixed this, but it came up as a
  silent failure recently, so maybe not in all cases?

* Standardize on a best practice for parameterized non-global types (e.g.
  ArrayRef[MyObject] vs. ArrayRefOfMyObject) and make documentation use it
  * if the former, the RT bug about coercions needs to be fixed

* smarter renaming of imports -- e.g. if you try to import Foo from a type
  library, with -prefix => 'My', it'd really be nice to get to_MyFoo and
  is_MyFoo helpers instead of Myto_Foo and Myis_Foo

* MooseX::Types::Moose -> Moose::Types::Native (maybe)

* Should Structured be included?


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