On Sep 8, 2009, at 12:09 PM, Hans Dieter Pearcey wrote:

Excerpts from John Napiorkowski's message of Tue Sep 08 12:58:41 -0400 2009:
Honestly, I'd argue that moving MooseX::Types to core is the opposite of what I'd like to see. What I'd what to see is a more cleanly and clearly defined TC system, with all the bits needed divorced from Moose (including something with the Registry that Stevan mentioned) and then Moose would leverage that and possible CMOP might define some interfaces and apis around like (like function support and attribute type checking). I'm not sure if that's the
direction everyone agrees with though :)

I still don't see your point. MooseX::Types is an interface to defining and using type constraints, as opposed to the core interface, which uses strings.
Why would moving it into the core stop us from changing the underlying
implementation later? Or, what about changing the underlying implementation
later would require us to also change the interface?


I think the suggestion is that type constraints be completely divorced from Moose so that other possibly non-Moose/CMOP projects can use it w/ o requiring Moose/CMOP. Or is that missing the mark John?


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