Shawn H Corey wrote:
On 10-06-02 12:14 PM, Stevan Little wrote:
Primary key and foreign key are meaningless to Moose because that is not
how objects connect to one another, that is how you imply relationships
in a RDB. I think perhaps you're too stuck in RDB thinking, keys are
most certainly not a requirement for a decent persistence solution. This
is also less an issue of Moose and more an issue of the impedance
mismatch between OO and RDB, which at this point seems like a unsolvable

I could reply by saying you're too stuck in OO thinking.

Meta-data is still data and MVC can be applied to it. I want a tool that I can apply a DBA view and an OO-programmer view to a meta-data model.

And I believe that Shawn's request is perfectly reasonable.

I have put a lot of effort into bridging this gap, such that my Muldis D language provides an effective way of specifying said data model so that both the DBA view and the OO programmer view are represented and everyone gets what they want.

See my prior post about the entire database corresponding to an object, and the tables in it being object attributes, etc. This is the paradigm I use to bridge the two worlds.

I will soon be implementing Muldis D and then within a few months you can have a concrete functional example of what I speak of, to try it out for yourself.

(I have also started soliciting some companies if they want to help fund the development, all of which I have done with no funding so far, so I don't have to divert most of my time to other work to pay the bills.)

-- Darren Duncan

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