> If perhaps you are looking to automate CRUD using Moose metadata, several 
> attempts have been made at this and IMO they all ended up with too much 
> compromise and coupling. You might want to take a look at the Smalltalk 
> Magritte project, they add an additional layer on top of the pure objects 
> which provides a more decoupled mapping between the Model and the View. It is 
> a little more verbose then I would like, but I think they have some good 
> ideas there. There is also Cocoa and their concepts of bindings, most of 
> which is accomplished transparently using the Interface Builder app, but the 
> concepts are pretty sound although a little more coupled then Magritte.

Oh, this is as good a quote to start off with as any.

I am dying to develop a good Moose-based ORM solution and I understand much of 
the sentiment in this thread, most particularly:

* Relational db model is outdated and every database abstraction layer becomes 
a hacked-up disaster that ages far faster than the other pieces of the system 
for that reason.
* Moose has gone so far in the direction of relationships, delegation - it 
feels like it should stretch just a tad more, and we'll have a beautiful ORM.
* All of the ORMs mentioned above suffer from a) too close to the db, b) too 
performance intensive, or c) both

I have two personal favorites, neither of which is a *good* solution.

1. Class::DBI.  (Waiting for laughter to subside. I just use memcache & other 
tricks to keep my dba happy)  It is the most straight-forward object-oriented 
solution that *feels* as simple as Moose.  It has so much of the same kind of 
spirit.  (DBIx::Class added so many features, that at this stage, setting up a 
simple DB application requires much more than should be necessary.  I backed 
away from it after I was once hired to train a team, because they could not get 
off the ground using DBIx::Class.  This is rather far from "simple things 
should be simple".  )
2. Rose::DB::Object.  This one is infinitely flexible and has some of the same 
kind of jump-in-and-get-started-then-read-volumes-as-you-get-good-at-it 
approach as Moose.  It is also supposed to be extremely fast, doing crazy db & 
code optimizations to accomplish it.  Unfortunately, there is a comical 
problem.  Rose::DB::Object is designed with a "meta" object that does 
introspection & clashes with Moose. So the only way to combine those two is an 
aggregation approach, which can get cumbersome very quickly, or a substantial 
layer, which resolves the conflict.  Seeing as RDBO is already so close to 
Moose in philosophy, too close as it turns out, my dream is to figure out a way 
to combine the two and resolve conflicts, of which meta is only the biggest one.

Finally, why is it so important to combine Moose with ORM?

I love the easy-to-use Model objects that generate pretty easy-to-maintain 
front end code, e.g.

    Your mom's birthday is in [% user.mom.birthday.month %]

and having all that is required be nothing more than describing the database 
structure. I really only want to write SQL under unique circumstances that 
require it, sort of like us perl people don't like using printf to output a 
blank line.

I also want database structure mixed in with other attributes:

has_a ('mom' => 'DB::Mom');  #Class::DBI
has_many('siblings' => 'DB::Sibling'); 

has  cat => (is => 'rw'...) #Moose

Really, just because cat isn't stored in a database is no excuse to put it into 
some other object.

I bet the solution to what I want will look like a trait.

package Person;

has mom => (traits =>  ['ORM'], handles => {add_mom => 'create'},
    #may be even
    key => 'mom_id',
    on_delete => 'cascade',
    #or for the picky eaters
    sql_type => 'int',
    constraint => 'not_null',

Then we run into how to indicate that Person is an ORM too, so we need a 
metaclass for it and how to set up the table structure & where, and all these 
other things.  I made the mistake of attempting to create something like this 
as a first project after discovering both Moose & Rose::DB::Object.  Needless 
to say, it was a miserable failure and set me back a couple of weeks of 
development.  I am still dying to make it happen...

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