Hi Stevan,

Can you suggest an alternative namespace for this? I'll try to come up with 
another name for the project.

I have updated the README for the comparison of DM with DBIC and Fey::ORM.




--- On Thu, 6/17/10, Stevan Little <stevan.lit...@iinteractive.com> wrote:

From: Stevan Little <stevan.lit...@iinteractive.com>
Subject: Re: A MooseX ORM, an attempt
To: "Dexter Tad-y" <dexter...@yahoo.com>
Cc: "moose ML" <moose@perl.org>
Date: Thursday, June 17, 2010, 1:00 AM


Please do not use the MooseX:: namespace for this, it is reserved specifically 
for extensions of Moose and we are trying to enforce that more and more these 

>From what I see in your README it actually looks pretty nice. Can you perhaps 
>expand on what it provides over the existing ORMs like DBIx::Class, Fey::ORM 
>and Rose::DB::Object?


- Stevan

On Jun 16, 2010, at 12:50 PM, Dexter Tad-y wrote:

> Greetings all,
> I am releasing code for my attempt in writing a Moose-based ORM extension, 
> named MooseX::DataMapper for the mean time.
> It started as a code exercise in metaclass programming, born out of a few 
> days offline vacation last week. Upon getting back online, I found the recent 
> sentiments Re: ORMs being discussed just a few weeks back.
> I do hope to get feedback from the community, especially if some people find 
> it useful and is worthy of future work.
> Read more at GitHub:
> http://github.com/dexterbt1/MooseX-DataMapper
> Regards,
> Dexter Tad-y


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