Banning pictures from MoPo wasn't the real reason for blocking attachments
from the listserv. It was the danger of viruses being distributed to list
members as attachments.

In the case of Rich's post (and others) the use of HTML simply directs the
reader's computer via an embedded URL to a web site to retrieve the image.
Images are not actually part of the post. With many of us now connected to
the 'net all the time with high speed connections, our mail programs
automatically read the HTML e-mail just as they would any web page and
display the images based on the HTML code.

This shouldn't slow down the download of e-mail since the images are only
loaded when you view that message, that is open it in your e-mail program.

The only thing you can do to not see the HTML generated images is to read
your mail while off-line, then your program can't go out and retrieve them.
I believe you can also set your mail program to not display HTML or images.

I don't really have a problem with HTML e-mail like this since I get many
commercial ones every day in HTML format.

I haven't heard of any cases where viruses have been transmitted this way.
Does anyone know of such a case?

MoPo List Owner

> -----Original Message-----
> From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of JR
> Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 12:42 PM
> Subject: [MOPO] Sending pictures through MOPO?
> Special Event Poster AuctionLately, several
> people... including my buddy Rich over at MPB... have been
> sending pictures through to this list embedded in their FA
> announcements (the pictures are embedded in the HTML code of the
> message so that the pictures get past the MOPO server's "no
> attachments" filter). I for one really don't like this. I get a
> lot of email each day, and adding pictures to the HTML code
> really slows things down when I download my messages. It's no big
> deal when only one person does it, but if all the sellers on MOPO
> were to start doing so it would be a real mess. And, if a few
> sellers do it, then why shouldn't the others? I'd really like to
> see this trend nipped in the bud and from what I've seen there
> are quite a few others who feel the same way.
> Since Scott has put on the "no attachments" filter for MOPO, I
> believe that means he intended for no pictures to be sent to this
> list, and just because some new technique now allows the filter
> to be bypassed does not mean his intentions should be bypassed.
> Scott, I know you are busy, but could you express an opinion or
> guideline on embedding pictures in the HTML of messages sent to MOPO?
> -- JR
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