Aren't you the funny one Mr. Patrick Michael Tupy. Too bad I don't have 
something of yours in the shop right now that could mysteriously "disappear". I 
have a large blank spot on my wall at home!!

Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2008 09:57:21 -0700From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [MOPO] 
Feedback Advice PleaseTo: MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU
Dear Mopoers:  Does anyone know of a good framer in the greater Los Angeles 

Dear Sue, aka Shirley Temple:  I got yer apples! 


Btw, did Darcy Craig get in touch with you?  He was going to the Courts show in 
Burbank yesterday, I gave him your info and he
was going to try to see you.


On Oct 5, 2008, at 7:42 AM, Susan Heim wrote:
Hi Roger,   Thanks for the reply. I'm laughing as you were actually able to 
type the buyers name. It took me 10 minutes to get it typed into my block 
bidder file. You know I have thousands of very nice customers from my Ebay 
experience. While my website garners alot of customers, Ebay brings in alot of 
customers that are new to the collecting hobby and that is fun. I "meet" alot 
of really nice people through Ebay, many of which I met there before they were 
on the MoPo group as I have recommended them to join us here. So, I'm not going 
to let one bad apple in almost 8 years spoil that.  As for Patrick Michael 
Tupy, he is usually a pain in the you know what!!! Talk about bad 

PleaseDate: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 18:05:08 -0700To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

First, you should probably mention that the name of the buyer is: 

Second, you should put a statement on all your auctions indicating that you 
will only deal directly with the buyer and not with their handlers, assistants, 
butlers, or groupies.

Is there some reason you need to keep doing the ebay auctions? I thought most 
of your income came from the studios and Patrick Tupy.


On Oct 4, 2008, at 8:02 AM, Susan Heim wrote:
Hello Everyone,   I have a situation that I have been trying to deal with and 
getting nowhere. I had an Ebay member contact me about two months ago wanting 
to buy a framed Lion KIng one sheet I had offered in my Ebay store.  She wanted 
to buy it unframed and I told her, while I appreciated the interest in my 
items, the poster in the auction was only available framed. She emailed me back 
intimating that I could sell it to her, off Ebay and I responded that I did not 
want to jeopardize my Ebay business and violate Ebay rules. Didn't hear back 
from her again until about 2 weeks later when she bought the framed poster in 
my Ebay store. She sent me an email saying she had bought, that she had a 
neighbor who might want one two and did I have other posters and she included a 
list. All posters were more recent titles and I explained that I primarily 
collect older titles but would have a look to see if I had anything. I asked 
some specifics for the frame choices, like color, plexiglass type, etc. Never 
heard a word back. Two weeks later I send another email and a few days later I 
hear from the buyer's "assistant". They happen to be in Los Angeles as I am and 
want to pick the item up to save shipping. I say that is fine and then ask him 
the questions about the frame options. He then tells me they don't want the 
frame, they only want the poster. I reminded him that I had already told the 
buyer that the poster comes framed, and while I would be willing to offer a 
credit if they wanted a nicer frame, I couldn't change the terms of the Ebay 
transaction. He got very annoyed with me and told me to just put the poster in 
a tube, make the frame separately and he would call me the next day to pay for 
everything with a credit card and he would come by on Saturday to pick 
everything up. He also wanted to know if I had compiled a list of what I had 
poster wise from the list the buyer had sent me. I explained that her list was 
very broad and I needed her to be a bit more specific, but that I had made a 
short list of some items and we could deal with that after the Ebay transaction 
was completed. I waited and never heard a word back from anyone.       A week 
later, I email again and a few days after that I receive an email from the 
original buyer stating she can't believe the poster has still not been paid for 
or picked up. She further says that she gave the money to her assistant and he 
was suppose to take care of it. She has tried to call him to no avail and will 
get to the bottom of it and pay by paypal immediately. Another six days go by 
and I receive an e-check paypal payment,which takes about 5 days to clear, with 
an email saying she is so sorry for the problems I have had to deal with but 
"if it's any consolation, I had to pay an extra $200 for the poster."  She said 
go ahead and ship the items at this point. I sent her an email requesting she 
could please give me a call as I don't understand the "extra $200" she 
mentioned and that I have had so many different requests on this order, I would 
just like to speak with her, the original buyer, in person to straighten it all 
out. I did that to protect her as I wasn't sure, and this transaction had so 
many email addresses associated with it, I wanted to make sure I was sending 
the poster to the correct person. I get this really nasty email back that 
doesn't even seem like it's from the same person who has been apologetic about 
the situation she has put me in. This email says this has been the "worst 
transaction she has ever had", that she has bought thousands of posters and 
never run into this problem and so on. I email back and remind her this "worst 
transaction" she is having is not my doing as all I have done is wait 25 days 
for payment and wondered why my emails were not being answered plus deal with 
the so called "assistant".      I sent her an email and offered to give her a 
$50 refund and just send her the poster. I told her it was my intent to have a 
happy customer and, while I had nothing to do with it, I was sorry for whatever 
problems she was having on her end with her 'assistant" or whatever. She 
emailed me back and said "great", this is exactly what I wanted in the first 
place. She further said to keep the $50 refund on file for purchases she might 
make from the poster lists she had sent me.   Her payment cleared on September 
10th and I shipped the poster to her the next day, September 11th.  Since we 
are both in the same city, she received it the next day. She continued to email 
me requesting poster titles that I might have. Once I got her to  narrow down 
what she was looking for, she wanted primarily bus stop posters, oversize 
posters, some oddball rarities that you never see.  I had a couple on her list 
but when I told her, she said she already had those. I wondered then why they 
were on the list. I further explained to her that I am not a poster dealer but 
rather a collector who, on occasion if I have a duplicate, I might sell it. 
Further mentioned that I primarily collect material from the 30's and 40's and 
her list was mostly material from 1977 and up. She would send me a new list and 
then email the next day to see what I had. All along I was explaining that it 
would take me a few days to get into my lists and boxes to see if I had 
anything for her. Her emails became more harassing. I retold her that I just 
didn't have the titles she was looking for, that I was going to send her the 
$50 refund.  I wished her good luck with her collection. This has now been 
three weeks since she received the Lion King poster, which was the original 
Ebay transaction.  I had asked her on several occasions how she liked the 
poster as I knew it had arrived to her. She never mentiioned the poster and 
never left any Ebay feedback to say it arrived or anything. I knew everything 
was fine as whoever was typing the emails to me, with that personality, would 
have certainly mentioned if there had been a problem. So, I get this email, 
very nasty, saying all her problems with the Lion King poster transaction had 
been my doing, that my "attitude stinks" and she has left me appropriate 
feedback, which of course was not only negative but off the board nastiness. 
So, of course, the feedback has nothing to do with the original transaction. I 
don't know what this girl's problem is. I had begun to notify Ebay previous to 
this that I was having a problem with this person. They put the notes in my 
file and said if she should leave negative feedback, with proper 
documentatiion, and I kep every email from her and to her, the negative could 
be removed.      So, when she finally did leave the feedback, even though the 
Ebay powerseller reps could clearly see it was some form of retaliatory abuse 
and had nothing to do with the original transaction, they sent me to trust and 
safely to give them the information to have it removed. I did so and got a 
standardized letter back saying basically that, once a transacgtion has 
occured, the buyer can leave whatever feedback they want. I replied to that 
email saying I had all the documentation they would need to see that the 
feedback had nothing to do with the transaction but some problem this girl had 
long after the transaction was completed, if it was even the original buyer 
that was doing this. No reply.     Sorry for the long winded story here, but I 
have worked very hard to maintain a 100% positive feedback for my 8 years as a 
seller on Ebay.  Most of you know me and know that's true. I am wondering if 
anyone knows some other department at Ebay or another person to deal with that 
might be able to help. I know so many of you are turned off of Ebay and I 
totally understand your reasons. I would appreciate any information you might 
have that could lead me to the right sources to deal with this problem. I know 
sometimes things just aren't fair and this is just not ethical on this girl's 
part. I might add that she has private feedback, very minimal feedback and a 
lower rating, 99.2%. Ebay told me I should have blocked her from bidding when 
she sent her first message to me about buying the poster unframed. That isn't 
an usual request so I would have never thought to block her from bidding. So, 
that's the scoop. Please feel free to email me openly or privately. I 
appreciate any "feedback"!!!  (a girl must keep her sense of humor, despite 
anything) 463-2994
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